Berend W. Bodenkamp | Museum Beelden aan Zee | Beeldhouwkunst in Den Haag

Berend W. Bodenkamp

20 may 2016 - 2 october 2016

Berend W. Bodenkamp


20 May to 2 October 2016

The exhibition Samenhang (cohesion) shows sculptures created by Berend W. Bodenkamp in the last thirty years. Bodenkamp works predominantly in the geometric-abstract tradition, but mostly searches for the basis for his stylistic idiom in nature. He has a great feeling of connection with the organic form.

Since his youth Berend Bodenkamp has been fascinated by insects, birds, birds’ nests, cadavers, the remains of prey animals and the system of trunk and branches of a tree. He has been inspired time after time by what he has observed in the natural world. As he himself says ‘I cannot devise anything, there is too much to see. The images are a reflection of sensations from nature. The final sculpture is the result of weighing up emotion against rationalism, of(re-)experiencing nature, to the coming into being of the purely autonomous sculpture.