
Experiment like an Artist

Experiment like an Artist

Ages 9 -12

Just as a painter makes sketches on paper, sculptors also sometimes make preliminary studies, but in plaster. Our Gipsoteca showcases a variety of these preliminary plasterworks made by Dutch sculptors, highlighting the artistic process. During this Penning, or Medals, workshop, the children discover the Gipsoteca and get to work in plaster themselves. They make a commemorative medal by making a clay mold into which they will then pour the plaster. The children learn how to think in terms of concave and convex, positive and negative space. As the medals are drying, the children are given a guided tour through the Gipsoteca, with attention being paid to the endless numbers of preliminary studies that are to be seen there.

Target group: Ages 9-12
Duration: 120 minutes
Cost: €7.50 per pupil, including admission charge, supervisors free (max. 1 supervisor per 10 children)
Group: a maximum of 30 students, minimum of 17 students
For reservations or more information, send an email to or call 070-358 90 76. Please include the number of children, age group and your contact information.
Please note that if you cancel within one week of your visit, you will still be charged for 50% of the total cost. If you cancel within 24 hours, you will be charged 100% of the cost.